RH Fischer Bros. & Leslie
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Our reputation is built upon providing the best service to you, our customer. While we prefer to speak to you directly about your purchases, we offer on-line ordering as a convenience. Please leave a contact phone number should we need to discuss your purchase. If this is your first time ordering on-line you will need to create a House Account or update your existing account so we can maintain your purchase records and preferences.
On-Line ordering is currently disabled.
Please be aware information on this website is not frequently updated and may not reflect current inventory and prices. Please call us or email us for updated prices and inventory.
Orders may be placed by telephone or email.
Call 212-787-1715 or Email info@fischerbros.com to place an order.
Welcome to Fischer Bros. & Leslie On-Line
Fischer Bros. & Leslie is a Full Service Custom Butcher.
Our reputation is built upon providing the best service to you, our customer. While we prefer to speak to you directly about your purchases, we offer on-line ordering as a convenience. Please leave a contact phone number should we need to discuss your purchase. If this is your first time ordering on-line you will need to create a House Account or update your existing account so we can maintain your purchase records and preferences.
Please call us to place your orders. Thank you!
Create House Account Important Ordering Information